SeeMeGlobal, a groundbreaking new app developed by a team of Nigerians based in the United States, has been unveiled with the aim of enhancing personal safety and security for individuals, including children under the care of others.
LinkedIn, the widely-used professional social networking platform, has quietly introduced a controversial update that automatically opts users into contributing their personal data for the training of generative AI models.
A new report released by Google has shed light on the significant economic contribution of the company’s products and services to Sub-Saharan Africa
Foodpreneurs Hub, a foodtech platform founded in Nigeria, has recently secured $500,000 in pre-seed funding as part of its ongoing mission to tackle food insecurity across Africa.
Fintr is the brainchild of Elijah Djan and Danei Rall, who co-founded Findamentals, Fintr’s parent company, in 2021
Last week, Google lost its final appeal in the Google Shopping case, where the €2.42 billion fine was upheld by the court
Airbus has announced the appointment of Gabriel Semelas as its new President for Africa and the Middle East, effective from January 1, 2025
Starting next week, Instagram will automatically apply new teen safety settings to all accounts for users under the age of 18.
Global accounting software leader Xero has announced its acquisition of Syft, a South African cloud-based reporting and analytics platform, for $70 million. The deal, expected to close between October and December 2024 pending regulatory approval, will enhance Xero's financial reporting and analytics capabilities, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses. Syft, founded in 2016 by Matt…
Chinasa T. Okolo, a Nigerian-American computer scientist and Brookings Institution fellow, has earned a spot on TIME’s prestigious list of the 100 most influential people in Artificial Intelligence (AI).