The Tribunal Judiciaire De Paris, France’s Judicial Tribunal, has officially brought a 12-count charge against Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old CEO and founder of Telegram, following his recent arrest at Bourget airport near Paris. Durov, a prominent figure in the tech world, is facing severe allegations connected to Telegram’s content moderation practices, or lack thereof, which allegedly facilitated a range of illegal activities.
The Charges: A Deep Dive into the Allegations
The charges against Pavel Durov are rooted in a judicial investigation that was initiated on July 8, 2024, by Section J3 – JUNALCO (Fight against Cybercrime) of the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office. The investigation followed a preliminary inquiry that raised serious concerns about the use of Telegram’s platform for illegal activities, including money laundering, drug trafficking, and the distribution of pedophilic content.
The 12-count charge includes the following allegations:
- Complicity in enabling illegal transactions within an organized group through web-mastering an online platform.
- Refusal to provide information or documents necessary for lawful interceptions when requested by authorities.
- Complicity in possessing pornographic images of minors.
- Complicity in distributing, offering, or making available pornographic images of minors within an organized group.
- Complicity in acquiring, transporting, possessing, offering, or selling narcotic substances.
- Complicity in offering, selling, or making available tools or data designed to access or damage automated data processing systems without legitimate reason.
- Complicity in organized fraud.
- Criminal association with the intent to commit a crime or offense punishable by five or more years of imprisonment.
- Laundering proceeds derived from offenses committed by organized groups.
- Providing cryptology services aimed at ensuring confidentiality without a certified declaration.
- Providing cryptology tools that ensure authentication or integrity monitoring without prior declaration.
- Importing cryptology tools without authorization.
Extension of Custody and International Reactions
Following his arrest, Durov’s custody was extended by an investigative magistrate until August 25, 2024, with the possibility of lasting up to 96 hours, until August 28, 2024, due to the gravity of the organized crime charges. The extension reflects the complexity and seriousness of the charges he faces.
Durov’s arrest has sparked international controversy, with Russian government officials expressing outrage and accusing France of politically motivated actions. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that the arrest has plunged Russia-France relations to a “lowest” level, condemning the charges as a clear attempt to intimidate Durov.
The Kremlin also weighed in, describing the charges as “very serious” and warning against attempts to exert pressure on Durov. The Russian government sees this arrest as an attack on freedom of speech, further straining diplomatic ties between the two countries.
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Official Responses from France and the UAE
In response to the escalating tensions, French President Emmanuel Macron took to his X handle to clarify that Durov’s arrest was not politically motivated. He emphasized that the detention was part of an ongoing judicial investigation and that the French justice system operates independently from political influence. “It is up to the judges to decide,” Macron stated, reinforcing the idea that the matter should be left to the judicial authorities.
Meanwhile, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has also voiced its concerns. The UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it is “closely following” Durov’s case and has requested the French government to provide him with all necessary consular services. The ministry highlighted that Durov holds citizenship in both France and the UAE, and Telegram is headquartered in Dubai, underscoring the UAE’s vested interest in ensuring his well-being and fair treatment.
The Broader Implications
The case against Pavel Durov raises significant questions about the responsibilities of tech companies in moderating content on their platforms, particularly when those platforms are used for illegal activities. As the legal proceedings continue, the outcome could have far-reaching implications for Telegram and the broader tech industry, potentially setting a precedent for how similar cases are handled in the future.
For now, Durov remains in custody, with the world watching closely as the French judicial system deliberates over the serious charges brought against one of the most influential figures in global technology.