The recent arrest of the founder and CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, in France is beginning to have noticeable effects on the app’s traction and ranking across global app stores. Durov’s detention has sparked significant attention, not just for the alleged reasons behind his arrest but also for the subsequent changes in Telegram’s download patterns and chart positions.
The Arrest and Allegations
On Saturday, Pavel Durov was arrested by French authorities on serious charges related to his social media platform, Telegram. The arrest was reportedly due to allegations that Telegram had failed to adequately moderate content, allowing illegal activities to flourish on the app. These activities allegedly included drug trafficking, money laundering, and the distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The arrest has intensified the spotlight on Telegram’s content moderation policies and the broader implications of unchecked activity on social platforms.
READ ALSO: Global Web3 Community Shaken by Arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov
Surge in Downloads Despite Legal Troubles
Despite the grave concerns surrounding the platform, Telegram has paradoxically seen a surge in downloads since Durov’s arrest. By Monday, the app had ascended to the No. 2 position in the Social Networking category on the U.S. App Store, reflecting a notable 4% increase in global iOS downloads. This rise in downloads appears to be driven by a mix of curiosity, controversy, and possibly support for Durov’s stance on free speech, a principle he has long championed.
Interestingly, this surge didn’t occur immediately following the news of Durov’s arrest. The delay could be attributed to a variety of factors, such as users catching up on weekend news or delays in app store ranking updates from third-party app intelligence sources. According to Appfigures, a firm specializing in app store analytics, Telegram didn’t climb to the No. 2 spot in the U.S. Social Networking category until 3 a.m. EST on Monday, suggesting that the increase in app downloads was still gaining momentum at the start of the week.
Regional Variations in App Rankings
The impact of Durov’s arrest has varied across different regions. In France, where Durov was detained, Telegram experienced a significant boost in its app store ranking. The app soared to the No. 1 position in the Social Networking category on the French App Store and became the third most popular app overall. This sharp rise in France contrasts with the app’s performance in the United States, where it briefly held the No. 2 spot in Social Networking before dropping to No. 3.
Moreover, in the U.S. top apps chart (excluding games), Telegram moved up 10 positions from No. 18 to No. 8 since Friday. This marked its highest rank in the U.S. App Store since January 1, 2023, highlighting the app’s renewed visibility in the wake of Durov’s legal troubles.
The Mechanics Behind App Store Rankings
Apple’s App Store rankings are influenced by several factors, including the number of installs, the speed of downloads (download velocity), user engagement, and other metrics. Telegram’s rapid ascent in the rankings, therefore, reflects a significant increase in user activity, likely driven by the heightened media attention surrounding the app and its founder.
The notion that “any press is good press” seems to hold true in Telegram’s case. The controversy surrounding Durov’s arrest has inadvertently provided the app with a surge in visibility. Users are downloading the app, either out of curiosity about the platform under scrutiny or to show solidarity with Durov’s ideals, particularly his advocacy for free speech and privacy.
Official Response and Ongoing Investigations
On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the situation, clarifying that Durov’s arrest was part of an “ongoing judicial investigation.” He emphasized that the arrest was a legal matter, not a political one, leaving the final judgment to the courts. Macron’s comments underscore the seriousness of the allegations against Durov while attempting to distance the French government from any perceived political motivations.
As the legal proceedings unfold, the future of Telegram and its leadership remains uncertain. However, the immediate impact on the app’s popularity and rankings is clear, illustrating the complex interplay between legal challenges, public perception, and the dynamics of app store visibility.