In a groundbreaking partnership, Triggerfish, one of Africa’s leading animation studios, has teamed up with UNESCO to launch The Creator Labs. This transformative initiative aims to advance gender equity and diversity within Africa’s burgeoning animation industry by equipping women with the skills and opportunities needed to excel in creative leadership roles.
Why The Creator Labs Matter
Africa’s film and audiovisual industries are pivotal contributors to the continent’s economy, generating an impressive $5 billion annually and employing over 5 million people. However, the animation sector, a subset of this vibrant industry, struggles with significant gender disparities, particularly in leadership roles.
Women, especially women of color, remain underrepresented in key positions, stifling opportunities for diverse storytelling and inclusive narratives. By addressing this imbalance, The Creator Labs aim to unlock the full potential of African animation and ensure that women are integral to shaping the industry’s future.
What The Creator Labs Offer
The Creator Labs focus on capacity-building through comprehensive programs tailored to specific creative roles:
1. Director Lab
- Aimed at aspiring directors eager to lead animated projects.
- Features expert-led sessions to hone creative vision, leadership skills, and storytelling techniques.
2. Animation Art Lab
- Designed for artists passionate about animation visuals.
- Covers essential skills such as character design, background artistry, and visual storytelling.
Both labs incorporate a mix of masterclasses, mentorship opportunities, and networking sessions with industry icons.
Industry Giants Lending Expertise
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Participants will gain valuable insights and mentorship from award-winning professionals who have left their mark on the global animation scene:
- Ng’endo Mukii, creator of Kizazi Moto, celebrated for her innovative and thought-provoking work.
- Cinzia Angelini, director of Mila, known for her captivating narratives and visually stunning projects.
- Nadia Darries, contributor to Star Wars Visions Vol. 2, recognized for her role in global animation projects.
In addition to in-person labs, Triggerfish Academy will offer free online training materials, ensuring accessibility for creatives across the continent.
What They’re Saying
- Ernesto Ottone R, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Culture:“This partnership addresses gaps in education and training that disproportionately affect women, helping to build an equitable and dynamic African animation sector.”
- Carina Lücke, Triggerfish’s Production Supervisor:“Empowering women in animation is not just about equity; it’s about enriching the industry with diverse voices and perspectives that lead to more compelling stories.”
Key Dates and Next Steps
- Applications Open: December 9, 2024.
- Applications Close: January 5, 2025.
- Training Start Date: March 2025.
The Vision for the Future
The Creator Labs signify more than just an opportunity for aspiring women animators; they represent a cultural shift. By addressing systemic barriers and fostering a network of empowered female creatives, this initiative seeks to redefine the African animation landscape.
Through this partnership, Triggerfish and UNESCO hope to cultivate a generation of female leaders who will contribute to the industry with their unique visions, ensuring a vibrant and inclusive future for African animation.
For women eager to bring their stories to life through animation, The Creator Labs is the platform to turn dreams into reality.